
Performance sketch: Originating from the votive healing rituals of greek orthodox and catholic diaspora communities, the Amnestesia technique combines voluntary labor, improvised storytelling, and post-processing (post-event processing of the narrative document), to elicit, isolate, and display the intermediary utterances and human gestures in the undisciplined performance of narrative catharsis. The participant is given a task/object …

object poem

I find toy objects very interesting because they have separate openings for playful appropriation—an essential characteristic of play in contemporary writing on the topic. There are intrinsic openings and extrinsic openings for play. Intrinsic openings take the form of objects similar to legos, which provide an opening for world-building, storytelling, and so on with the …


VR sketch: The virtual reality environment [tentatively referred to as ‘vox’] consists of an endless plane under a cloudless sky. The generative mechanics of the environment operates under a set of rules as follows: [1] when recognized by the environment’s artificial intelligence as part of its language set, nouns spoken by the user will result …

here institute

An idea for something like a game: “Here Institute” is a multimodal performance consists of the interactive and communal fabulation of a seemingly academic institute and the institutional trappings which constitute it. The first mode of the performance consists of the performer entering a particular academic or professional context (such as a classroom, a meeting, …

notes on tv nova 1989

Game sketch: ‘Walking Simulator’ is a playful insult given to a game which signals to other users that it has, at its core, a particular kind of tedious or autotelic nature—the purpose for moving throughout the virtual environment is for the purpose of movement throughout a virtual environment. Notes on TV Nova, 1989 was made for the …